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Tag Archives: Workplace Rights

Work and Weed: What New York Workers Need to Know


This article discusses a law that may affect New York workers, not workers in other states. By the time you read it, it may be out of date. All workers should consult with reputable workplace attorneys in their jurisdictions to understand how the law may affect individual workplace rights.


The New York Marijuana Regulation and Taxation Act (MRTA), in addition to decriminalizing recreational use of cannabis, theoretically created some workplace protections for New York workers who engage in legal off-duty use. But last year’s Fourth Department decision,  Matter of Moran-Ruiz v. Ontario County, 218 A.D.3d 1341 (4th Dept. 2023), has called into question many of those protections, and it’s still illegal under federal law. The only intelligent way to understand how the MRTA affects you is to speak with a reputable New York workplace rights attorney. But here are some things to keep in mind.

1. Off-Duty Use of Marijuana:

The MRTA legalizes the recreational off-duty use of marijuana for individuals aged 21 and older. It is important to note that while the act permits the off-duty use of marijuana, it does not grant employees an absolute right to use or be under the influence of marijuana during working hours. Employers still have the right to enforce workplace policies and existing Collective Bargaining Agreement provisions regarding drug use, particularly if it could impair job performance or jeopardize safety.

2. Drug Testing and Employment:

First the bad news: workers in safety-sensitive positions or positions where drug testing is mandated by federal regulations are still subject to testing, including pre-employment and random drug testing.

Now the slightly better news: For existing employees, drug testing can only be conducted if there is reasonable suspicion of on-duty use, impairment, or violation of workplace policies. What is reasonable suspicion? Well… the statute says that reasonable suspicion does not exist unless the employee “manifests specific articulable symptoms of impairment.” Of course it doesn’t define what a “specific articulable symptom of impairment” might be. This guidance from the New York State Department of Labor indicates that just smelling like marijuana is not a specific articulable symptom. Glassy eyes, lack of focus, and lack of coordination have all been posited as possible articulable symptoms. But those are also symptoms of medical conditions that may trigger an obligation on the employer’s part to offer reasonable accommodations. So, watch this space.

The reality is that, if an employer reasonably suspects on-duty marijuana use or impairment, they may request an employee to undergo a drug test, and the drug test will be used as evidence that the employee may have been using marijuana while on duty. And because most employment is at-will, the employer doesn’t have to prove anything. So unless you have a union, you might be out of luck, even if you weren’t high at work.

3. Implications of Matter of Moran-Ruiz v. Ontario County:

This is where it gets weird. The MRTA created a whole new section in the New York lawful off-duty activities statute, seemingly creating robust protections for workers who engage in lawful off-duty use of cannabis.  But Matter of Moran-Ruiz significantly dials back those protections, concluding that the new section only gives employers additional excuses to discriminate on top of all the reasons that employers can already legally discriminate. (Not even kidding. Check out the language at the end of the decision.) So far, Moran-Ruiz stands. But…watch this space.

4. Conclusion:

Theoretically, the MRTA allows for off-duty cannabis use, but employers retain the right to implement policies regarding drug usage during working hours. And the decisional law so far has not been promising. It is crucial for employees to understand the limitations of the statutory protections. Staying informed and seeking legal advice is the best way to protect your workplace rights. Always consult a legal professional for personalized advice.

EEOC Update Regarding Workplace Harassment




For the first time in 24 years, the EEOC has updated its guidance on Workplace Harassment.  The guidance, which issued on April 29, 2024, provides new clarifications on duties to protect LGBTQIA+ workers, handling virtual harassment, and newly beefed-up protections against harassment based on pregnancy and religious expression.

In 2020, in Bostock v. Clayton County, the US Supreme Court concluded that Title IX prohibitions against gender discrimination include protections against discrimination on the basis of a worker’s sexual orientation or gender identity. The new guidance clarifies that this also means protections against harassment. New examples of illegal harassment include, among other things, intentionally and repeatedly using the wrong pronouns or name, “outing” a person without their consent, requiring an employee to wear clothes inconsistent with their gender identity, and denying use of a particular bathroom based on gender.

Harassment on the basis of pregnancy is also gender discrimination, and includes denial of reasonable lactation time, giving someone a hard time about contraception or abortion, or being nasty to or about a person because they are pregnant.

Employers have always been required to accommodate sincerely-held religious beliefs; the updated guidance clarifies that some amount of coworker proselytizing is acceptable, but if an employee asks not to be part of the discussion, a failure to honor that request is harassment.

The new guidance also specifies that harassment that occurs via email, social media, chat, videoconference, or other online technology is still harassment.

About 20 states’ AGs have sued to enjoin the guidance, mostly because they are freaking out about the gender identity protections. So far the guidance remains in effect…but stay tuned.

Wondering if this is still a thing? By the time you read this blog post, the whole landscape may have changed. So always, always, always talk to a workplace lawyer in your jurisdiction to determine what applies to your particular situation.

Federal “White Collar” Overtime Exemption is Getting A Raise!


Heads up: the Federal “White Collar” overtime exemption is getting a raise. Specifically, the salary threshold above which an employee no longer qualifies for overtime will go up on July 1, 2024 to $844/week ($43,888 annually). On January 1, 2025, the threshold will rise again to $1,128/week ($58,656 annually). The new rule contemplates automatic increases to the salary threshold every three years.

The salary threshold is one test for determining whether employees are “exempt” from overtime rules (which actually means the employer is exempt from having to pay overtime). To be considered exempt, employees must meet the salary threshold, be paid on a salary basis (which means the amount of pay is predetermined and not subject to deductions if the employee is ready, willing, and able to work), and perform duties consistent with being a bona fide executive, administrative, professional, or outside sales person.

Currently the threshold is at $684/week ($35,568 annually) which cuts out a lot of employees who are making more than minimum wage, but not much more. The July increase won’t have much effect on executives and administrative workers in New York, whose salary threshold is already over $1000/week ($1,124.20 for upstaters, $1,200.00 downstate). But New York professional employees may see a difference.

Expect legal challenges to this rule. And always talk to a workplace rights lawyer in your jurisdiction before making any decisions or claims.

Pregnant Workers Fairness Act UPDATE

The EEOC has issued final rules clarifying how the Pregnant Workers Fairness Act (“PWFA”) is implemented. Those rules go into effect on June 18, 2024. These regulations clarify the availability of accommodations for limitations arising out of pregnancy, childbirth, and associated conditions.  

Employers don’t have to grant every accommodation request, just those accommodations that are “reasonable.” Without getting into a long discussion of how “reasonableness” is determined by legal decisionmakers, suffice it to say that accommodation requests often get watered down or negotiated out of existence.  These guidelines help set a baseline.

Predictable Assessments: The new rules are exciting because they propose four accommodations that are presumed reasonable—meaning that, if the employer wants to deny them, the employer has to prove that they aren’t reasonable. Those accommodations are: 1) keeping water nearby and breaks for drinking (for example, having a water bottle); 2) additional restroom breaks; 3) allowing standing, sitting, and alternating positions; and 4) allowing additional eating/drinking breaks. These accommodations are called “predictable assessments.”  


Limits on seeking additional documentation: Employers should not be seeking additional documentation in the following circumstances:  1) The need to adjust the workplace is obvious (for example, needing a larger uniform); 2) The employee has already provided sufficient information; 3) The employee is requesting one of the predictable assessments; 4) The employee requests time to pump or nurse; or 5) Non-pregnant or nursing employees would not be required to provide documentation for the same accommodation. 


New York Workers: Meanwhile, New York Pregnancy protections are gearing up. On June 19, 2024, New York employees will be entitled to a paid[1] 30-minute lactation break “each time such employee has reasonable need to express breast milk for up to three years following child birth.” While some employers are already wringing their hands about how often the need to pump might be “reasonable,” there is similar language in the FLSA (“a reasonable break time…each time such employee has need to express milk…”) 29 U.S.C. §218d (a)(1). Additionally, under New York’s Paid Prenatal Leave, on January 1, 2025, pregnant New York workers will be entitled to 20 hours of paid prenatal leave per calendar year, at the regular rate of pay, to be used to attend prenatal doctor’s appointments. This leave is in addition to New York statutory paid sick leave.  


Always contact a reputable workplace rights attorney to understand how new developments affect your rights! 


[1] This beats out the Federal PUMP Act, which only requires unpaid leave, unless the employee is not completely relieved from duty during the pump break.

Do I have to disclose an ACD on my NY job application?

Earlier this year a client asked me, “Do I have to disclose an ACD on my New York job application?” The client was looking for a new job after having been arrested. Understandably, he had a lot of questions about how the arrest and possible conviction were going to impact his future job prospects. Long story short, the criminal matter (for which I did not provide representation, as I am not a criminal defense specialist), was resolved with an adjournment in contemplation of dismissal [“ACD”] – which provides for a full dismissal of the charges following a period of time, usually six months, as long as the defendant does not get arrested again during the adjournment period.

The client then posed the question: “Do I have to disclose the ACD on my job application?”

Excellent question.

Here’s how an ACD is treated in New York State in the context of finding a job. [Please note that New York City has different rules. Call an attorney if you’re not sure how to respond to employment questions about arrests!]

New York Executive Law §296.16 was amended in 2019 to provide that job applicants are not required to disclose information about an arrest that was followed by an ACD. However, an ACD is likely to show up on a pre-employment background check until the terms have been satisfied. If the applicant has exercised their right not to disclose, a prospective employer may assume the applicant is being dishonest and trying to cover up the arrest. Luckily, the New York law prohibits employers from taking an adverse action because of an ACD. Unluckily, employers may not be aware of this prohibition.

In this catch-22 situation, it is a very good idea to contact the New York State Division of Human rights, or a New York workers’ rights attorney, or both. After we talked, my client knew his rights as he went through the application process. I am happy to report that he got the job.

Always contact a workers’ rights attorney in your jurisdiction if you are concerned about how an arrest might affect your employment.

New York Farmworker Fair Labor Practices Act

Información adicional en español aquí y aquí.

Historically, farm workers have few protections under federal labor statutes, making it difficult for them to unionize, earn fair wages, assert workers’ compensation claims, or enjoy adequate rest periods. At the beginning of 2020, the New York State Farm Laborers Fair Labor Practices Act implemented the following provisions to improve working conditions for farm laborers:

  • Farm workers have the right to unionize. Section 701 of the New York Labor Law has been amended to include farmworkers as “employees” and farm owners as “employers,” and other sections of the law have been amended to give farmworkers some of the same unionization rights as other private sector workers.  Note, however, that farmworkers cannot legally strike.
  • Maximum 60-hour workweeks and overtime: NYLL 163-a limits the workweek to 60 hours for farm workers, and requires employers to pay time and a half for overtime hours. Additionally, section 161 now states that farm laborers are allowed 24 consecutive hours of rest per calendar week.
  • Section 225 of the Public Health Law allows code officers to inspect premises inhabited by fewer than five persons, and to enforce sanitary code requirements for living quarters.
  • Workers’ Compensation: Workers’ Compensation coverage has been expanded to more employees, and notices must be posted in both Spanish and English. Supervisors are required to report injuries to the employer, and employers are prohibited from retaliating against workers who file for Workers’ Compensation benefits.
  • Farm Laborers’ Wage Board: A wage board is empowered to make recommendations regarding overtime rates for farm workers to the governor and legislature.
  • Employers must get a permit to operate housing for farm laborers, which improves the chances that living quarters will be safe and sanitary.

Notwithstanding early legal challenges and the pandemic, farmworkers are starting to unionize and assert their rights.  Recently, vineyard workers on Long Island became the first unionized farmworkers in the state, joining Local 338 RWDSU/UFSW.  This is an enormous stride in the long history of farmworker rights, and it is only the beginning.

In January 2022, the New York Farm Laborer’s Wage Board voted require overtime pay for farmworkers after 40 hours of work in a week–but the Wage Board has not adopted the official report, which would trigger the timeline for the New Yok Labor Commissioner to approve or overturn the vote.  Watch this space.

If you have questions about how your rights might be affected by the Farmworker Fair Labor Practices Act, contact a workers’ rights attorney today.


New York Law Restricts Employer E-Spying

surveillance camera

New York State recently passed a law requiring employers to give notice to employees if they monitor employees’ telephone, email, and internet activity.


Section 52-c of the New York Civil Rights Act requires employers to provide written notice of e-monitoring individually to new employees.  If the employee doesn’t sign an acknowledgement of the notice, the notice is invalid.  Further, the notice must inform the employee of monitoring of telephone, email, internet, or use of any electronic device (including computer, telephone, wire, radio or fax). Notice must also be posted in a conspicuous spot in the workplace.


The employer does not have to inform employees about computer system maintenance and protection such as spam filters and volume controls.


Realistically speaking, this means an extra form for New York employees to sign during the hiring process.  If a new hire refuses to sign, in all probability the employer could refuse to keep the person on the job.  Additionally, there is no private right of action, meaning employees can’t individually sue employers for violations of this law.  But employees can report employers to the New York State Attorney General, who can impose monetary penalties. Repeat offenders will be assessed increasingly stiff penalties.


The law goes into effect on May 7, 2022.  If you are concerned about how your employer is monitoring you, it’s not a bad idea to call the attorney general or speak with a workers’ rights attorney in your jurisdiction.

Expanded Protection For New York Whistleblowers


Whistleblower law in New York was abysmal.  The only people who seemed to be protected were folks who warned the public that a nuclear power plant was about to blow up. Anything less than a “substantial and specific” public safety threat was not covered; thus, employees who reported their employers for misconduct such as cooking the books did not get job protection, even when the boss went to jail.[1]

Enter the amended NY Labor Law Section 740, which takes effect on January 1, 2022. Here’s what the amendments do:


  • There is no longer a requirement that the reported violation constitute a substantial specific public safety threat – although reporting such a threat is still a protected activity.
  • Employees are protected from retaliation if they report conduct that they reasonably believe constitutes a violation of a law, rule, or regulation. What constitutes a “reasonable belief” remains to be seen, so it’s wise to make sure you have a good understanding of the violation you’re reporting before making the complaint.
  • Employees must make a good faith effort to notify the employer of the violation, giving the employer the chance to fix the problem. But that notification requirement is eased in situations where there is imminent or serious danger to public safety, the employee reasonably believes that the employer would take steps to conceal the activity (such as shredding incriminating evidence), the report would result in physical harm or result in endangerment of a minor, or the employee reasonably believes that the employer is already aware of the violation and will not correct it.
  • The amendments extend the statute of limitations to two years from the date of the violation, and entitle the parties to a jury trial.
  • Particularly bad conduct can result in an award of punitive damages.
  • Employers are required to post a notice of employees’ whistleblower rights in a conspicuous spot in the workplace.


Fair warning:  Employees who bring frivolous claims may be ordered to pay the employer’s attorneys’ fees and costs – which often amount to six figures.  So before you file a big court claim, it’s a good idea to speak to a workers’ rights attorney in your jurisdiction.



[1] Healthcare workers had slightly better protections under NYLL 741.

New York State Minimum Wage Increasing 12/31/21

Money changing hands

Hello, fellow Upstaters!  You probably know by now that New York State private sector minimum wages are going up on December 31, 2021. This is pursuant to amendments to New York State minimum wage orders, which since 2016 have set a goal that the rate, eventually, will reach $15.00/hour for private sector workers statewide. As of December 31, 2021, minimum wage for private sector, non-hospitality or building trade employees in Upstate New York will increase to $13.20/hour.


But be careful before you take this opportunity to go on a shopping spree.  First, you might not be in a sector governed by the minimum wage orders (sorry, public employees).  Second, if you’re in New York City, the rules are different for you.  Third, hello food service workers!  You have to deal with stuff like tip credits, tip pooling, and other complications (hint: your wages are still far below everyone else’s because, allegedly, tips are supposed to make up the rest.)


Luckily, the New York State Department of Labor has created a wage calculator that will help you figure out whether, and how much, you benefit from this new increase. (Go try it out, it’s fun!)  Additionally, there’s a handy flyer that can give you some background information on where the strive for $15 has taken us so far.


As always, if you have questions about your wages, contact a workers’ rights attorney today!

Most New York Employers Can No Longer Drug Test Employees For Cannabis

Most New York Employers Can No Longer Drug Test Employees For Cannabis

On July 1, 2021, I blogged about the intersection of legalization of recreational cannabis use and an employee’s workplace rights in New York. At that time, the New York State Department of Labor [“NYS DOL”] had not yet weighed in on whether employers may continue to test employees for cannabis now that recreational use is legal in New York or addressed other issues created by cannabis legalization.  On October 8, 2021, however, NYS DOL released guidance clarifying workplace rights in the post legalization era.  Adult Use Cannabis And The Workplace – New York Labor Law 201-D (October 8, 2021).

Review of NYS DOL guidance tells us the following:

  • Drug testing for cannabis is now permitted only when federal, or state, law requires drug testing or makes it a mandatory requirement of the position. For example, when federal or state law mandates drug testing for drivers of commercial vehicles or other safety sensitive positions, cannabis drug screening, be it pre-employment, randomized, or in response to an accident or injury, is permissible.
  • To impose discipline against an employee suspected of being under the influence of cannabis at work, an employer must show that the employee manifests “specific articulable symptoms of impairment” that decrease the performance of their duties or interfere with an employer’s obligation to provide a safe workplace as required by state and federal occupational safety and health laws.

So, what exactly are “articulable symptoms of impairment?” The guidance does not provide a list of specific symptoms but explains that the symptoms must be “objectively observable indications that the employee’s performance of the duties of the position are decreased or lessened.” This appears to mean that neither a positive drug test for cannabis nor the smell of cannabis on one’s clothing can serve as the sole basis for an employer’s conclusion that an employee was impaired by marijuana at work and therefore subject to discipline.

Keep in mind that cannabis legalization does not prevent an employer from prohibiting cannabis use during “work hours,” which includes unpaid breaks and mealtimes, even if the employee leaves the worksite. Employers can also prohibit the use of cannabis during periods when an employee is “on call.” In addition, employers can also prohibit cannabis possession while at work and prohibit cannabis use, and possession, in company vehicles or on company property, even after regular business hours or shifts.  When a remote employee works from the confines of a private residence, however, an employer cannot prohibit possession of cannabis at the remote location because the term “worksite” does not include a remote employee’s private residence. N.Y. Lab L. §201-D. As such, an employer can only impose discipline of a remote employee if s/he exhibited articulable symptoms of impairment during work hours, not for possession of cannabis.

If you believe you have been improperly disciplined by your employer for legal use of cannabis, contact a workers’ rights attorney.

217 S. Salina St., 6th Fl.,
Syracuse, NY 13202

T: 315-471-0405
F: 315-471-7849

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